User talk:Researcher 49

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Hello. I saw your edits on the Wreckage page, I've made some changes to them. If you'd like to discuss it, feel free to join the Foxhole Wiki Discord, it's much easier to discuss topics there. The discord invite is on the wiki's front page. Nextra123 (talk) 14:04, 13 September 2024 (UTC)

Regarding wreckage spawns, I and other players have done some extensive tests both on live server and on devbranch that rule out any selection bias. Out of 100+ nodes found only a single one was more than 60 meters from any road. Wreckage spawn also strongly favor the area where Border Bases can appear. By the way, you can sign your message by adding four tildes "~" at the end. Nextra123 (talk) 14:55, 14 September 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for that - still not sure where to write back.

I'm curious how you were able to rule out survivor bias confidently. In statistics, this is a daunting task to take on. Specifically, identifying the surrounding area around a given asset that prevents wreckage to spawn. Example: In your testing of Wreckage spawn locations did your team ever locate wreckage on either factions Home Island, or on the interior of a Mountain?

Though if the team contracted were 'mapping' the spawn locations as well, I'd be interested to see if our heat maps overlap.

Survivor bias is an influence for statisticians that requires a large data set to negate. Especially when trying to prove the presence or lack of one.

Yes, I've done a partial map of Rare Resource Node spawn locations. Searching was done by sweeping all areas in a region with a LUV and binoculars. The results are pretty clear when displayed on a map. I didn't do any search on Home Region though. I didn't check inside bodies of water or mountains but the northern regions have enough barren areas far from any road and with very few physical structures to get a good chance to test if nodes spawn far from roads. Also, there's two separate potential biases at play: a selection bias if the search is done mostly by following roads instead of sweeping all areas out of laziness, and a survivor bias (for live server only) from the fact that other players also collect those nodes and most players remain on roads thus a thorough search should find FEWER nodes near roads than elsewhere if the node spawn locations are evenly distributed. I can post the map on the foxhole wiki discord if you join it. Nextra123 (talk) 14:55, 14 September 2024 (UTC)

For your entertainment, here is Great March, with 60m from the edge of each road marked in green. Ignoring the world structures, player structure, water, cliffs, etc. by the current data gathered outside of my own, there's evidence to strongly suggest that wreckage will never appear outside of these green areas?

For research and entertainment purposes, name a hex (Warden owned) and I'll create a similar map noting 60m from roads, and then record every Wreckage that appears.

This should be fun!