Manteau d'Éclaireur

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L'armée Warden compte sur les éclaireurs pour fournir et recevoir des renseignements vitaux. Leur équipement est robuste et bien adapté aux opérations prolongées sur des terrains accidentés et par mauvais temps.
Description en jeu

The Manteau d'Éclaireur is the Warden Uniforme d'Éclaireur. It is designed to give the wearer a higher chance of not being detected on the map. It is useful for scouting enemy positions, either for partisan activities, or gathering intel of enemy defenses.

It is designed to aid the soldier in various activities in enemy backlines, either for partisan actions (disrupting areas of logistical importance), or scouting enemy defenses (aiding the team in planning future attacks of enemy defenses). When the player is inside the range of any Map Intelligence source (Watch Tower, Radio Backpack, etc...), the uniform gives the player an 80% chance of not being revealed during each scan and thus not appearing on the map, even for your own faction.

The uniform has 5 inventory slots, with Medical items, such as Bandages, and Blood Plasma, being able to stack (2 per slot). Similar to the standard soldier's uniform, it allows Light Kinetic Ammo to stack (3 per slot).

The Outrider's Mantle also provides the wearer a low resistance to Snow Storms, with a 1.75x protection (same protection as the Colonial's Snow Uniform). This means soldiers have a higher chance of surviving a snow storm compared to standard soldiers.

Upon death, this uniform is permanently destroyed and cannot be recovered. Warden players are unable to equip any uniform that belongs to the Colonials, and visa versa.

Its most distinctive features are the small messenger bag, the sash/horseshoe pack wrapped around the torso, and the soft kepi fieldcap, which replaces the standard Warden helmet.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Usine (Uniforms) 100 x  Matériaux Basiques BasicMaterialsIcon.png Caisse de 15 x  Manteau d'Éclaireur ScoutUniformWIcon.png 00:01:30
Usine de Production de Masse (Uniforms) 100 x  Matériaux Basiques BasicMaterialsIcon.png Caisse de 15 x  Manteau d'Éclaireur ScoutUniformWIcon.png 00:15:00

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.
