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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Ces cuirasses, qui proviennent d'anciennes guerres, sont très efficaces pour arrêter les tirs d'armes légères de l'ennemi. Cette protection se fait au prix d'un certain poids, et le porteur se sentira assez limité et encombré.
Description en jeu

The Cuirasse is the Warden Uniforme d'Armure, which reduces small arms damage by -50%, and reduces bleed chance by -25%. When equipped, the uniform adds 45% encumbrance, which reduces overall movement. The uniform only has 3 inventory slots, which makes it the smallest inventory slot for all uniforms. The warden uniform also unique in that it reduces Bayonet and Melee damage by 60%. This means a Warden wearing this uniform cannot be instantly killed in melee combat.

The only two ammo types that stack in the uniform are 8mm and .44 (3 per slot).

Upon death, this uniform is permanently destroyed and cannot be recovered. Warden players are unable to equip any uniform that belongs to the Colonials, and visa versa.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.


Due to the added encumbrance of the Armour Uniform, it is very useful for open top vehicle crews (Field Guns, Half-Track gunner, etc) where the crew is extremely vulnerable to infantry attacks. This also applies to Tripod users, as being stuck in a static firing arc makes you vulnerable to flanking infantry.
