Tenue d'Officialis

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Cet uniforme, bien que peu pratique au combat, désigne le chef d'un régiment. Les officiers convenablement habillés peuvent discipliner librement leurs subordonnés. Les anciens officiers Meseans étaient la clé de l'organisation de la Légion. Cette tenue moderne rend hommage à leur héritage durable.
Description en jeu

The Officialis' Attire is the Colonial Uniforme d'Officier. It is an equippable, roleplaying uniform that allows players of the same Regiment to teamkill each other without any repercussions. This allows any player with this on to act like a "commissar" for their regiment. Its most distinctive features are the dark green officer's cap, the longer pauldron drapped on the soldier's left shoulder, which is bigger than the standard Colonial soldier's pauldron, and the small sword that's attached to the officer's hip (the sword is purely ceremonial/cosmetic and cannot be used in combat).

The only two ammo types that stack in the uniform are 8mm and .44 (3 per slot). Upon death, this uniform is permanently destroyed and cannot be recovered. Warden players are unable to equip any uniform that belongs to the Colonials, and visa versa.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Usine (Uniforms) 100 x  Matériaux Basiques Basic Materials.png Caisse de 3 x  Tenue d'Officialis OfficerUniformCIcon.png 00:01:30
Usine de Production de Masse (Uniforms) 100 x  Matériaux Basiques Basic Materials.png Caisse de 3 x  Tenue d'Officialis OfficerUniformCIcon.png 00:15:00

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.


This is the first uniform introduced to the game that is purely for roleplaying purpose, and does not provide any tactical advantages compared to other uniforms
