Métal Rare

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.59) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

A compound of extremely rare metals used in the production of the most advanced vehicles and weapons.
In-game description

Métal Rare is a type of raw resource in the game, which can only be refined into Rare Alloys. It is used to produce and construct various structures and upgrades related to Large Ships, and Rockets.


Unlike regular raw resources, Rare Metal spawn once a certain tech is unlocked. Once it's unlocked, it will begin spawning at around the same rate as Tech Materials.

The Dry Dock must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order for the material to begin dropping.

Salvage Fields MapIconScrap.png

Similar to Technology Materials, such as Aluminum, Copper, and Iron, Rare Metal will sporadically drop from time to time when harvesting Salvage Nodes. Just like Tech Materials, it will have a chance of dropping one type of raw resource, then only drop that specific resource until the Salvage Field's reserve node count hits zero.

If Rare Metal does not drop from a Salvage Field, then the entire Resource Field must be cleared in order to allow that drop to potentially happen.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Usine de Métallurgie (Haut Fourneau) 20 x  Métal Rare RareMaterialsIcon.png
5 x  Matériaux de Construction Traités ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
60 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
10 MW d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x  Alliages Rares FacilityMaterials09Icon.png 00:03:00


Like other raw resources it stacks up to 100 per slot in inventories and can be stored in Resource Containers and Resource Transfer Stations. It can be transported by Truck or Small Container Car. It can't be packed into crates.


  • Due to the relative scarcity of this raw resource, it is highly recommended for any logi players not planning on constructing Large Ships or Rockets to give them to players who are going to build them, or to store them in places with easy to see Stockpiles.
    • Similar to other facility materials, it must be refined in a facility (more specifically, a Metalworks Factory with a Blast Furnace upgrade.


  • Rare Metal is the first raw resource of its type (i.e. not used in technology advancement) that relies on spawn rates and drop chances in order to acquire them.
    • Spawn-wise, they operate just like Technology Materials, but function more akin to a rarer version of Rare Resources (such as Components and Sulfur).
  • During the devbranch of 1.54 Naval Warfare, Rare Metal underwent various changes:
    • It used to be called Rare Alloys, but this was later changed from community feedback due to their confusing names.
    • Offshore Platforms used to have a recipe where you would input 350 Coke CokeIcon.png, it would output Heavy Oil, with a chance to give Rare Metal. This was later changed, as players did not like the coke cost and the chance drops from it, and was replaced with the current Heavy Oil and Enriched Oil recipes.
