Talk:Clancy-Raca M4

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Due to the expensiveness of its ammo and small magazine size, you should refrain from killing simple enemy riflemen unless it's absolutely necessary.

How does this make sense? 150 bmats per 10 mags make for 15 bmats per mag which is absolute peanuts compared to , say vehicles or mortar shells. Like fair enough, don't use it for suppressive fire and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES lose the rifle in early-mid war, but if you have a good shot, why not take it? 00:48, 24 October 2021 (UTC) To the Moon

The wording is a bit strong but the idea is that the ammo is expensive and comes in small crate which means bases are unlikely to have the ammo in stock. So it's important to make each shot count. If you have a better description for that then edit it in. 10:22, 26 October 2021 (UTC)

" you should refrain from killing simple enemy riflemen " is terrible advice

A sniper rifle shot is 2 bmats. A shirt is 6 bmats. Simple as that.