Campsite (Reaching Trail)

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In Reaching Trail, a small Warden Campsite can be found. The attack appears to be recent. A unique item can be found there; a bloody Loughcaster rifle.


It is a grouping of 5 tents near a rock wall, with a firepit still smouldering. Around it are 6 bodies of dead Warden soldiers, with blood splattered around. A read prompt can be found upon entering the site, noting the area as well as the ominousness felt by the player.

Shocking Massacre

Shocking Massacre
There is chaos all around you.
Blood still stains the frozen earth and viscera is splattered about.

The blood has long since dried, the corpses frozen for many moons, yet curiously, the coals in the fire still smoulder.

Almost as if someone had spent time here recently.

Location of Shocking Massacre
Reaching Trail - C9k5



Shocking Massacre

Cara's Rifle

Cara's Rifle
A standard-issue Loughcaster rifle.
The name, "Cara"is carved into the trigger guard.

Small cuts are marked into the stock. This rifle cannot be cleaned. This rifle cannot be loaded. This rifle will not fire. It's too light. Blood pours out from the barrel when the trigger is squeezed.

You feel it must be cursed and aren't sure why you still carry it.

Location of Cara's Rifle
Reaching Trail - C9k5



Cara's Rifle