Template:Building Infobox/doc

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Template-info.png Documentation


Infobox used for all Structures. Place it after any notice templates like {{Stub}} but before {{Quote}}.

NOTE: All info related to production of Shippables is done in ProductionShippable with ProductionShippable template, defining a CargoTable


Parameter Description
name Full name of the structure. Mandatory
image Image file name with no markup. E.g. Crane.png.
caption Caption for the image.
alt_text Alt text describing the image for screen readers. Defaults to This vehicle's in-game icon.
intelligence_icon The image of the structure's intelligence, using any of the following will give it map intelligence icons. If it is special, use it's special map icon. As follows; Defense, Structure, Artillery, Hospital, Outpost, and Facilities.
map_icon Use in place of intelligence_icon if the building has a special map symbol.
faction Displays the faction that can build the structure. Defaults to both factions being able to construct the structure, with three options for changing it. Col = Colonial, War = Warden, and Both for both sides can construct it.
construction_type The type of construction the structure is. Possible values are: World Structure, Player Structure, Shippable, Bunker Modification, Deployed Structure.
type The type/use of the structure. Possible values are: Defense, Player Manned Defense, Automated Defense, Resource Generation, Forward Base, Home Base,Storage, Production, Utility, Resource Field, or Bridge.
cost Cost of the structure if it's buildable. ResourceDisp must be manually used in the value to show the material icons. Leave blank for shippable structures.
built_with What this is build with. Tags Possible are: Hammer, Construction Vehicle, Shovel, Sandbags, MetalBeam, Concrete, BarbedWire, Pipe. Otherwise it shows the raw value. Leave blank for shippable structures.
repair Amount of bmats to repair the structure
slots Amount of inventory slots
capacity The structure's stockpile capacity
intel_range The Intelligence Gathering radius provided by the structure
ai_range The AI connection radius provided by the structure
ammo The type of ammo used by the structure. 8mm, RPG Shell, etc. If multiple, use ammo2 and ammo3 below. ONLY FOR STRUCTURES THAT CONSUME ACTUAL AMMUNITION.
ammo2 The second type of ammo used by the structure.
ammo3 The third type of ammo used by the structure.
firing_range_effective The effective firing range of the structure, either AI or manual for artillery. Use only when there is damage falloff.
firing_range The firing range of the structure, either AI or manual for artillery. For AI the range is measured from the edge of the structure to the edge of the enemy soldier/structure/vehicle.
firing_range_inac The firing range of the structure, either AI or manual for artillery. Used for coastal gun.
retaliation_range The firing range of the structure's AI when retaliating. Measured from the edge of the structure to the edge of the attacking soldier/structure/vehicle.
wrenchable Is it dismantlable with a wrench? Possible values are: Yes, No, or nothing.
rammable Can it be run over by a vehicle? Possible values are: Tank, Truck, Ship, or nothing.
fueltype The type of liquids that can be used as fuel in the structure. Available values:Oil, Heavy Oil, Enriched Oil, Coal, Diesel, Petrol, Diesel/Petrol, Nothing.
fuelcap The maximum amount of fuel the structure can hold in liters. The L is automatically added.
fuelrate The amount of liters of fuel consumed per hour in liters. The unit must be manually added.
fuelduration The time it takes for the structure to fully deplete its fuel tank. The unit must be manually added.
structure_hp The total hp of the structure. Used by {{Building_Infobox.Structure_Health}}.
structure_hp_B The total hp of the structure when it has a second model (Garrison House) or health mode (Emplacements in trench).
structure_hp_C The total hp of the structure when it has a third model (e.g. Town Base).
armour_type The type of armour of the structure. Used by {{Building_Infobox.Structure_Health}}. Possible values are: Tier1Tank, Tier1Structure, Tier2Structure, Tier2BStructure, Tier3Structure, Trench, Tier1GarrisonHouse,Tier2GarrisonHouse,Tier3GarrisonHouse, None, or nothing.
base_tier Whether the structure is the first tier. Values are "Yes" or "No". Leave blank for non-tiered structures
decay_start Grace period in hours before the structure starts to decay. Leave blank if no decay.
decay_duration Duration period in hours of the structure's decay. Leave blank if no decay.
husk_hp The total hp of the husk left when the structure is destroyed. Leave blank if the structure doesn't leave a husk.
husk_decay_start Grace period in hours before the structure husk starts to decay. Leave blank if no decay or no husk.
husk_decay_duration Duration period in hours of the structure husk's decay. Leave blank if no decay or no husk.
facility Whether the structure is a part of the facility system. Value is "production", "storage", "power production", "large production", "resource production", "pipeline", "foundation", "small track", "large track", "crane track", "power transfer", "catwalk", "utility", or nothing.
status To specify special circumstances of a structure. Possible values are: Unavailable, Dead Harvest, or nothing (default value).

Empty Template

Paste this into any new structure page.

{{Building Infobox
|name = 
|image = 
|intelligence_icon = 
|map_icon = 
|faction = 
|type = 
|cost =
|built_with = 
|repair = 
|slots = 
|capacity = 
|heat = 
|intel_range =
|ai_range = 
|firing_range_effective = 
|firing_range = 
|firing_range_inac =  
|wrenchable =
|structure_hp =
|armour_type =

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.