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This is the "Armament" template. Edit the page to see the template text. It should be called in Armament page (which will create the armament cargo table using the following format:


Parameters explained:

Parameter Description
SourceName Full name of the vehicle/structure the weapon is on.
ArmamentName Full name of the weaponry.
ArmamentDesc Short description of where the weapon is installed and any specificities.
AmmoName Name of the type of ammo used by the weapon.
AmmoName2 Name of the second type of ammo used by the weapon if any.
AmmoName3 Name of the third type of ammo used by the weapon if any.
AmmoName4 Name of the fourth type of ammo used by the weapon if any.
ReloadTime Reload duration of the weapon (one press of R). Does not include the duration of the firing animation. Value must be a Float.
FiringTime Duration of the firing animation. Only used for cannons and launchers, not automatic firearms. Value must be a Float.
RangeMax Maximum Range of the weapon. Should be "mindistance-maxdistance" for artillery weapons with a minimum range.
RangeEffective Effective Range of the weapon. Only used by weapons with damage falloff after a distance (small arms or accuracy falloff (Large Field Guns). Value must be a Float.
FireRate Fire Rate of the weapon in rounds per minute. Fire Rate w/o reloading for automatic weapons, fire rate with reload after each shot otherwise (60/(FiringTime+ReloadTime)).
MagazineSize Size of the internal magazine of the weapon. Value must be an integer.
FiringArc Angle of the firing cone of the weapon (in degrees). For rotating turrets this is the degrees of freedom (e.g. 360). Value must be an Integer.
RotationSpeed Rotation speed of the weapon (in degrees per second). ONLY for weapons on turrets. Value must be a Float.
VelocityMod Velocity modifier of the weapon (in percentage). Value can be positive or negative, e.g. "50" or "-20". Value must be a Float.
DeploymentNeeded Whether the weapon's source must be deployed for the weapon to fire. Value is binary, 0 for no, 1 for yes.
ArtyAccMin Radius in meters of the circle where shells can land at minimum inaccuracy (min range). Only for artillery
ArtyAccMax Radius in meters of the circle where shells can land at maximum inaccuracy (max range). Only for artillery
ReloadImmobilizes Whether reloading the weapon immobilizes the vehicle. Binary, 0 (false) or 1 (true).
HalfAngleMin Half Angle (in degrees) of the firing cone at minimum inaccuracy (Highest accuracy). Only for firearms. Value must be a Float.
HalfAngleMax Half Angle (in degrees) of the firing cone at maximum inaccuracy (Lowest accuracy). Only for firearms. Value must be a Float.
Stability The overall stability of the weapon, value must be "Low", "Medium", or "High". Only for firearms
DirectFireRange Range of the weapon in "Direct Fire" mode. Only for weapons with both indirect and direct fire modes. Value must be a Float.

This template defines the table "armament". View table.