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For the production data table, see ProductionTable.

This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.59) of Foxhole.

In Foxhole, there exists a wide variety of Weapons, Ammunition, Medical items, Utility items, Uniforms, Shippable structures, and Vehicles. These are all crafted by Players with Materials which are acquired by refining raw Resources that they have gathered.

Production these things, managing their amounts, and delivering what is needed to the frontlines using vehicles is an essential part of the game.

Supply Flow

A summary of the primary Logistics Supply Flow in Foxhole

Gathering Resources

Raw Resources SalvageIcon.png CoalIcon.png ComponentsIcon.png SulfurIcon.png are gathered at Resource Fields

or Resource Mines

Production Materials

A refinery

Most raw resources can be refined into Materials at a Refinery MapIconManufacturing.png. The amount of raw resources needed depends on the materials and the refining process takes time. Refining materials are done in parallel to other Players, their refining doesn't slow yours. Materials can be refined as 'personal' (processed materials are temporarily stored in a private queue only accessible by you) or as 'public' (the processed materials are outputted to the Refinery stockpile accessible by everyone).

Refineries are critical to crafting because they are the only source of materials commonly used for most productions: Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png, Explosive Powder ExplosiveMaterialIcon.png, Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png, and Heavy Explosive Powder HeavyExplosiveMaterialsIcon.png. They are also the only source of Diesel ResourceFuelIcon.png, the most common fuel type.

Refineries are world structures, new ones cannot be built. Their locations vary between wars, however they tend to be very far from the frontlines.

Input(s) Output(s) Time
Personal Output Limit
1 x Aluminum ResouceAluminumIcon.png 1 x Aluminum Alloy ResouceAluminumRefinedIcon.png 00:00:00.24 1000
5 x Coal CoalIcon.png 1 x Gravel GroundMaterialsIcon.png 00:00:01.2 6000
20 x Components ComponentsIcon.png 1 x Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png 00:00:40 6000
1 x Copper ResourceCopperIcon.png 1 x Copper Alloy ResourceCopperRefinedIcon.png 00:00:00.24 1000
1 x Iron ResouceIronIcon.png 1 x Iron Alloy ResouceIronRefinedIcon.png 00:00:00.24 1000
2 x Salvage SalvageIcon.png 1 x Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png 00:00:00.48 12500
5 x Salvage SalvageIcon.png 1 x Explosive Powder ExplosiveMaterialIcon.png 00:00:09.375 12000
10 x Salvage SalvageIcon.png 1 x Diesel ResourceFuelIcon.png 00:00:12 6000
5 x Sulfur SulfurIcon.png 1 x Heavy Explosive Powder HeavyExplosiveMaterialsIcon.png 00:00:15 6000

Production Items

A factory

For most items in the game you do not produce individual items but crates CrateItemIcon.png that contain a fixed amount of a particular item (amount depends on the type). Those crates are produced at a Factory MapIconFactory.png using Basic Materials, Explosive Powder, Refined Materials, or Heavy Explosive Powder. The items inside the crates cannot be retrieved directly, the crates must be submitted into a Base and the items then retrieved from the Base's stockpile.

The production of crates is done by placing orders which take time. Factory production options have subcategories: Small Arms IconFilterSmallWeapons.png, Heavy Arms IconFilterHeavyWeapons.png, Heavy Ammunition IconFilterHeavyAmmunition.png, Utility IconFilterUtility.png, Medical IconFilterMedical.png, Resource IconFilterResource.png, Uniforms IconFilterUniforms.png. The orders placed in one subcategory are processed one at a time, your order will only be processed after previous orders are finished.

Each item type can only be produced if they have been researched by the Faction.

Factories are world structures, new ones cannot be built. Their locations vary between wars, however they tend to be far from the frontlines.

Production Vehicles & Shippable Structures

Nearly all "standard" land vehicles are produced at a GarageMapIconVehicle.png, while most "standard" naval vehicles are produced at a Shipyard Shipyard.png.

Most Shippable structures are produced at a Construction Yard MapIconConstructionYard.png.

The production of all of these is done manually with a Hammer and requires either Basic Materials or Refined Materials. A vehicle or shippable structure can only be produced if it has been researched by the Faction.

Garages, Shipyards, and Construction Yards are world structures, new ones cannot be built. Their locations vary between wars, however they tend to be far from the frontlines.

Mass Production Factory

A mass production factory

A Mass Production Factory MapIconMassProductionFactory.png (or "MPF") is a very large factory that can mass produce crates of items and large crates of packed vehicles or shippables. Its production speed is much slower than at a Factory but increases the more production orders are placed in a given category. It has the same subcategories as a Factory plus "Vehicles" MapIconVehicle.png and "Shippables" IconFilterShippables.png.

The packed vehicles and shippables cannot be used directly, their large crate must first be delivered to the stockpile of a Storage Depot MapIconStorageFacility.png or Seaport MapIconSeaport.png and unpacked there with the RMB context menu.

Mass Production Factories are world structures, new ones cannot be built. Their locations vary between wars, however they tend to be very far from the frontlines.


For more information, see Getting Started with Facilities.

Facilities are advanced production structures built by players.