Armour Uniform

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The Armour Uniform is a uniform type that reduces incoming small arms damage at range (with falloff) and also reduces the chances to receive the bleed status effect.

No ammo type stacks with this uniform, except for the default 8mm and .44 (3 per slot).

The uniform gives only 3 inventory slots, and cost 100 Basic Materials.png per crate.

Unlike the other uniforms, the armour uniform adds encumbrance when worn.

Velian Flak Vest ArmourUniformCIcon.png Colonial.png

A heavily reinforced vest designed to protect grenadiers from shrapnel and back blasts. As such, the Flak Vest reduces cuts and scrapes on top of dampening bullet impacts.
Velian Flak Vest Description

The damage reduction is -33% for the colonial uniform and the bleed reduction is -75%. The uniform adds 40% encumbrance when worn and comes in crates of 5.

Gunner's Breastplate ArmourUniformWIcon.png Warden.png

Repurposed from ancient wars, these armour plates are highly effective at stopping small arms fire. That protection comes at a cost of weight, and the wearer will feel quite restricted and encumbered.
Gunner's Breastplate Description

The damage reduction is -50% for the warden uniform and the bleed reduction is -25%. The uniform adds 60% encumbrance when worn and comes in crates of 3.

The warden uniform also uniquely reduces Bayonet and Melee damage by 60% (3 stabs or 5 punches to kill).


The armour uniform is very useful for open top vehicle crews (Field Guns, Half-Track gunner, etc...) as well as Tripod Weapons users.
