3C-High Explosive Rocket

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Standard calibre rocket with an incendiary explosion. Will ignite objects near impact.
In-game description

The 3C-High Explosive Rocket (also known as HE Rockets) is a large artillery rocket.



Like other artillery ordnance it is indirect fire: it has a natural inaccuracy which increases with range, its trajectory is affected by the wind, and it can trigger the retaliation of Howitzer Garrisons.

It explodes on impact.

By default its explosion deals 350 Incendiary High Explosive damage in a 2.25m radius and decreasing amounts in a 5.5m radius. It also applies an incendiary effect in its area which can leave structures on fire and slowly damage them, however the incendiary effect is 42% weaker than with 4C-Fire Rockets. It doesn't devastate the ground.

Due to its incendiary nature the rocket can't disable Vehicle Subsystems or cause soldiers to bleed but it can light infantry on fire.

It's effective against most structures but much less against very resistant ones, and awful against Trenches.

It is awful against armored vehicles and Large Ships, it deals significantly reduced damage and its innacuracy makes it hard to hit a mobile target. It cannot disable their subsystems (the tracks in most cases).

It can kill infantry and unarmored vehicles although that isn't cost efficient.


The following infantry weapons, vehicles, and structures use 3C-High Explosive Rocket:



Structure Input(s) Output Time
Ammunition Factory (Rocket Battery Workshop) 2 x  Construction Materials ConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
1 x  Heavy Explosive Materials HeavyExplosiveMaterialIcon.png
4 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x  3C-High Explosive Rocket 3C-High Explosive Rocket Icon.png 00:00:25

3C-High Explosive Rocket in Facility personal orders can be retrieved as crates with RMB > "Retrieve as crate".

Tier 2 Facilities must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.


3C-High Explosive Rocket does not stack in inventories (1 per slot) except in ammo slots dedicated to 3C-High Explosive Rocket in certain vehicle or structure inventories (varying stack sizes).

It is a Large Item, a soldier can only carry one at a time on their shoulder.

It can be stored in Base stockpiles but also in Material Pallets, Rooster - Tumblebox Trailer, Material Transfer Stations, or Storage Rooms.

3C-High Explosive Rocket crates can be stored in the stockpile of a Storage Depot, Seaport, or Storage Ship. Crates can be submitted to any stockpile that accept 3C-High Explosive Rocket to transfer their content into it.


  • When 3C-High Explosive Rockets were introduced in Update 1.50 ('Inferno'), they were initially faction-neutral
    • This was shortly changed after War 96 concluded, with them becoming Colonial-exclusive
    • In Update 1.53, they once again became faction-neutral, as both sides were given equipment that used those rockets
