Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

An adherable grenade designed to penetrate heavy tank armor. The Sticky Bomb can only be thrown a short distance and is ineffective against structures.
In-game description

The Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb (a.k.a. Sticky) is a throwable anti-tank explosive that will stick to whatever surface it hits.



It is thrown by hand to a maximum range of 7.2 meters and moves relatively slowly. It sticks to what it lands on and always explodes 2.5 seconds afterwards.

It deals 450 Anti-Tank Explosive damage at the point of impact and quickly decreasing amounts in a 2m radius.

It is only useful against armored vehicles as it deals no damage to structures (except deployed tripods).

It has a very high chance (effectively 100%) of disabling the tracks subsystem of armored vehicles (7x modifier) if it lands on it.


To throw it:

  1. Hold down RMB. The bomb's trajectory is visible.
  2. Press LMB to throw it.

You can hold LMB like with other grenades but it doesn't affect the timer and if you hold for too long you will automatically throw it at your feet.

After the throw, if another sticky bomb exists in the backpack, it will automatically be equipped.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Factory (Heavy Arms) 50 x  Basic Materials Basic Materials.png
50 x  Explosive Materials Explosive Materials.png
Crate of 10 x  Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb Sticky Bomb.png 00:01:15
Mass Production Factory (Heavy Arms) 50 x  Basic Materials Basic Materials.png
50 x  Explosive Materials Explosive Materials.png
Crate of 10 x  Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb Sticky Bomb.png 00:12:30


Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb does not stack in inventories (1 per slot) except in the inventory of a player wearing a Grenade Uniform (stacks of 2 per slot)

It can be stored in Base stockpiles.

Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb crates can be stored in the stockpile of a Storage Depot, Seaport, or Storage Ship. Crates can be submitted to any stockpile that accept Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb to transfer their content into it.


  • Use the short timer to distance yourself from the bomb after you throw it to avoid getting killed by its blast
  • Sticky bombs can stick to infantry. However, it is not advisable to use them against non-vehicle targets

