A0E-9 Rocket

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Disambig.png This article is about the large rocket launched from an A0E-9 Rocket Platform. For the smaller rockets fired from vehicles, see Shells.

The A0E-9 Rocket (colloquially known as a 'Nuke') is a single-use structure that is exclusively built and launched at an A0E-9 Rocket Platform, allowing a group of players to permanently destroy structures within 80m of its impact radius. It has a 2000m range.


To build a rocket, you must deposit one of each of the three Rocket Parts (A0E-9 Rocket Booster, A0E-9 Rocket Body, and A0E-9 Rocket Warhead) onto the center of the Rocket Platform using a Crane.

It is immune to friendly fire, does not decay, and cannot be set on fire.


Due to the large cost of the entire A0E-9 Rocket process (ranging from the building materials, the construction parts, and the overall size of it) it is essential that it must be protected at all costs to ensure the Rocket fires.

Due to the construction being shown to everyone (friend and foe alike), players must build sufficient defenses that will protect the structure from infantry, armor, and artillery attacks. This will probably culminate in a large concrete Bunker Base filled with various garrisons, and ideally an active QRF force, which can respond to any threat that enters the region.


  • The Rocket was removed in Update 1.52, along with its related content. It was reintroduced in 1.54 Naval Warfare, where it was renamed the A0E-9 Rocket.
    • The Rocket Booster and the Warhead were removed, and replaced with a small shippable version. A new component was added to the A0E-9 Rocket, the A0E-9 Rocket Body.
  • Prior to its rework, Rockets could only be built on Rocket Launch Sites, which were world structures. This was later changed to the A0E-9 Rocket Platform, which is a player-built facility structure. This newer version could also be reused, where the old world structure was single-use.
  • When the old Rocket was launched, it would not damage any players who stood directly below it.
    • This was changed upon its return in Naval Warfare, where it will set players on fire if they stood next to it when it launches (dealing incendiary damage in a 6m radius around itself).
  • It is called the "AEON rocket" in the lore.

See Also
