Umbral Wildwood

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.56) of the game. It was last updated for 1.50.

To the west of the Heartlands lies a vast hinterland that remained largely untouched before the Great Wars. As resources dwindled in the north, the dense frontier of the Umbral Wildwood began to be harvested for lumber. The river that flows through the center of the region provides a perfect way to transport lumber to the north. As such, this abundant source of timber and resources has since fueled the war machine on both fronts, but at what cost?
In-game description

Umbral Wildwood is a heavily wooded map, characterized by its open fields bordering an immense forest.


The map was added in Update 0.0.24.

In Update 0.20, the already on other maps existing Observation Towers and the new structure Safehouses have been implemented to this map.

A Huge Map rework has been done with Update 0.26. Towns like Dredgefort, Thunderfoot and Borderwatch have been removed entirely. New structures like the Oil Well have been added.

In Update 0.29, Border Forts has been removed and been repurposed as Zone Bases.

In Update 0.41, much of the Bulwark has been rerouted to west and north of the map, following alongside the "Great March" to the west side of The Gap. Goldenroot Ranch has been converted into a Relic Base. Thunderfoot is now a town (includes a Seaport). Thunder Row relic base has been retired.


Old in-game description

To the west of the Heartlands lies a vast hinterland that remained largely untouched before the Great Wars. As resources dwindled in the north, the dense frontier of the Umbral Wildwood began to be harvested for lumber. The river that flows through the center of the region provides a perfect way to transport lumber to the north. As such, this abundant source of timber and resources has since fueled the war machine on both fronts, but at what cost?
2017 in-game description[1]

Crashed Motorcycle

Crashed Motorcycle
There's an old motorcycle with a Colonial logo painted on the side.

There's a ragged 'X' Scratched through it. Underneath it, the words, "Fucking southern mechanics" are carved into the charred metal.

Location of Crashed Motorcycle
Umbral Wildwood - D6k6



Crashed Motorcycle

Faerie Ring

Faerie Ring
Someone was bold to make camp here.

There’s an old Caoivish superstition about desecrated fortress ruins.

When the rubble forms a ring and mushrooms grow, it’s said to be a portal to another world, a world where strange creatures abduct those nearby, and replace them.

It’s all just superstition, though. At least that’s what you keep telling yourself.

Location of Faerie Ring
Umbral Wildwood - J5k3



Faerie Ring

Vehicle Husk

Vehicle Husk
You stumble across what appears to be the chassis of an old, rundown vehicle.

Its purpose is unknown to you and it clearly has seen better days. Trees, small plants and even flowers have overtaken what once must have been a massive vehicle.

Thoughts of the crew flash before your eyes. Images of ghosts who once piloted this beast until its engine sputtered out, only to be abandoned here, lost to a once promising frontier. They must have been some crew, you think. Taming such a monster would not have been for the faint of heart. You feel compelled to reach out and touch the damp, rusted metal only to be reminded that it is, in fact, just a dead machine.

All things must die it seems, man and machine alike.

Then, as if spurred on by your thoughts, you spot movement . . .

Tucked inside where the driver might have been is a small next. A litter of tiny lynx stare back at you, their frightened eyes glowing in the shadow of the beast.

A smile forces itself across your face, and you tap the machine’s frame like it’s the shoulder of an old friend.

Location of Vehicle Husk
Umbral Wildwood - I11k4



Vehicle Husk

Inner Haven Vol. 8

Inner Haven Vol. 8
Volume 8 of a magazine called “Inner Haven.”

—and they still look to the past, to when Callahan united their people. If he was so great, and if their wealth so vast . . . well, their “wondrous” Bulwark certainly wasn't up to the task, and now—

The rest of the pages are mouldy and illegible.

Location of Inner Haven Vol. 8
Umbral Wildwood - M7k3



Inner Haven Vol. 8


  • Umbral Wildwood has a variety of different inspirations. It was inspired by combat sequences in the HBO series Band of Brothers, the location of Amon Hen from Lord of the Rings, and areas of Northern Ontario near the residence of Siege Camp developer Matt.[2]


Umbral Wildwood -w Icons & Locations.png

Named Locations in Umbral Wildwood

  • Adze Crossroads
  • Amethyst
  • Atropos' Fate
  • Clotho's Refuge
  • Dredgefield
  • The Dredgewood
  • The Foundry
  • The Frontier
  • The Gap
  • Golden Concourse
  • GoldenRoot Ranch
  • Hermit's Rest
  • Lachesis' Tally
  • Leatherback Pathway
  • Sentry
  • Steely Fields
  • The Strands
  • Stray
  • Terrapin Woods
  • Thunder Row
  • Thunderfoot
  • Vagrant Bastion
  • Wasting Holt
  • Weaver's Trail
Carte du Monde de Foxhole
En cliquant sur un hexagone, vous serez dirigé vers sa page correspondante.
Région d'origineRégion d'origineThe Oarbreaker IslesFisherman's RowStema LandingNevish LineFarranac CoastWestgateOriginCallum's CapeStonecradleKing's CageSableportAsh FieldsSpeaking WoodsThe MoorsThe Linn of MercyLoch MórThe HeartlandsRed RiverBasin SionnachReaching TrailCallahan's PassageDeadlandsUmbral WildwoodGreat MarchKalokaiHowl CountyViper PitMarban HollowThe Drowned ValeShackled ChasmAcrithiaClanshead ValleyWeathered ExpanseClahstraAllod's BightTerminusMorgen's CrossingStlican ShelfEndless ShoreReaver's PassGodcroftsTempest IslandThe FingersWorld Map.png