Foxhole Wiki:Editing Guide

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Under Construction

This page is currently under construction. Information on this page may be missing or incomplete. You can help by editing and adding content.

Useful links


 • The list of cargo tables
 • CargoQuery documentation

Dedicated data pages

 • ArmamentTable  • DamageTypeTable  • ProductionTable  • ProductionShippable  • ProductionVehicle

Important templates

Infobox templates

 • Template:Structure Infobox  • Template:Item Infobox  • Template:Maps Infobox  • Template:Vehicle Infobox  • Template:VehicleClass

Useful display templates

 • Template:ItemDisp  • Template:VehicleDisp  • Template:StructureDisp  • Template:ToolDisp  • Template:ResourceDisp

Navigation (navbox) templates

 • Template:Buildings Navbox  • Template:Container Navbox  • Template:Facilities Navbox  • Template:Items Navbox  • Template:Vehicles Navbox  • Template:Weapons Navbox  • Template:Guides Navbox

Article message box (ambox) templates

 • Template:Ambox

Hatnote templates

 • Template:Disambiguation  • Template:Distinguish  • Template:For  • Template:Main

Some formatting templates

Template call
(m for magic word)
Output (delayed interpretation as wikimarkup) HTML alternative (never interpreted as wikimarkup) Why you might want to use this
{{!}} (m) | | or {{pipe}} Displaying pipe characters inside of a parser function
{{=}} (m) = = Displaying equal signs inside of unnamed parameters (e.g. {{MyTemplate|1+1=2}} will assign 2 to {{{1+1|}}}; {{MyTemplate|1+1{{=}}2}} will do what you want)
{{!!}} || || Displaying a break between two table cells inside of a parser function
{{!(}} [ [ Displaying a bracket inside of an external link
{{)!}} ] ] Displaying a bracket inside of an external link
{{!((}} [[ [[ Displaying a bracket inside of a link
{{))!}} ]] ]] Displaying a bracket inside of a link
{{(}} { { Escaping a single brace immediately next to a template or parser function to avoid turning it into a parameter
{{)}} ] } Escaping a single brace immediately next to a template or parser function to avoid turning it into a parameter
{{((}} {{ {{ Displaying open braces for a template without actually transcluding that template
{{))}} }} }} Displaying closed braces for a template without actually transcluding that template
{{(((}} {{{ {{{ Displaying a template parameter's open curly braces without actually using that variable
{{)))}} }}} }}} Displaying a template parameter's closed curly braces without actually using that variable
{{(!}} {| {| Starting a table inside of a parser function
{{!-}} |- |- Starting a new table row inside of a parser function
{{!)}} |} |} Closing a table inside of a parser function