A Brief History of Caoiva Volumes

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A Brief History of Caoiva is a book series existing within the game.


A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I
You find a book titled “Volume I - A Brief History of Caoiva” and flip to a random page.
Carden Callahan, the fourth son of our first Archon, Iain Callahan, took it upon his shoulders to quell the riots in Whedon’s Row. The soldiers were reluctant to support him initially, due to his lack of experience in matters of warfare.

As unrest spread southwest to Ogmaran, Callahan, leading a small force of his own men, infiltrated the town and held it without shedding a drop of blood. Deft in the art of diplomacy, his silver tongue earned him a bevy of new followers. They commemorated his leadership with a name befitting the son of a legend.

Thus, the Brigade of the Eight Sons was formed. Callahan led them into battle, proudly bearing the honour of his brothers until his death at the hands of Velian rebels.

Location of A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I
Tempest Island - M10k2



A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II
A book lies open on the table titled, “Volume II - A Brief History of Caoiva.”
…upon death or inability to carry out his duties, the Witan will gather within the Fastness in the great hall to discuss potential candidates. Like members of the Witan, the Archon must be selected from amongst the original clans that fought during the Breaking.

These clans, brought together by founder Iain Callahan, have fought hard to protect Caoiva’s sovereignty as a nation, despite ever constant attempts from the souther colonizers to usurp her independence. This process, derived from ancient peace times. This includes taking on increase responsibility upon the death of a fellow councillor or Archon.

In the event of a fallen Archon, a councillor is selected as deputy and assumes temporary power immediately upon confirmation reaching Whedon’s Row. This power may be vetoed at the Witan’s unanimous discretion. Such a provision is necessary to ensure none may usurp the Archon’s chair without backing from the Witan.

Interestingly, there has only been a single sitting Archon, not bearing the Callahan or Mercy name. That was the founder of the country’s western Gem, Duncan MacConmara. His sitting, short-lived as it was, represents a tumultuous period in the country’s history, as he led the Wardens to defeat in the battle for Sunhaven which shattered the region and saw the country’s capital overtaken by a young Velian commander who outsmarted the man at every turn.

It was the sitting councillor, “Powderkeg” Jon Barrony, whose command held the Velian Colonials in the north, who signed the agreement with the Nevish Monarchy, which would later form the basis of the Nevish Alliance.

Location of A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II
Basin Sionnach - J15k6



A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III
You find a weighty tome with the title “Volume III - A Brief History of Caoiva.”
A page has been torn out, marked up, and shoved back into the incorrect location. The title, “A Golden Conspiracy,” is circled and underlined in ink.

Long before the Breaking, an event which saw our country founded, each territory was controlled by individual clans. These families held sovereignty over borders that were often contested by the neighbouring clans. This internal conflict fortified our ancestors, made them strong and hardy, as those who fell short of their duty quickly fell prey to ambitious kings.

This only tells part of the tale. Some clansmen filled their coffers by making deals with the so-called “Golden Empire” of Mesea. It’s believed that the famed Callum’s Keep was funded almost exclusively through deals that saw ancestors of the Callum family sending foot soldiers and warships to aid in foreign conquests, while bearing promises of backing should war break out across Caoiva.

This part of the page is filled with markings and notes. One underlines the words “Golden Empire” with the notation, “Truth???” above it.

Whatever deals were made between Mesea and the Callum family must have soon been forgotten, for as war found its way to Callum’s doorstep, they cut off the seas with their great fleets and closed their gates, becoming more insular than ever. This ultimately allowed the family to maintain independence, even after Callahan had united the clans of Caoiva.

Location of A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III
Clanshead Valley - K10k4



A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III