Mise à jour 1.53
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Officially released on June 12th, 2023.
Initial Release
New Content
- No.2B Hawthorne
- Class: Rifle
- Faction: Warden
- Initially a field-modified Loughcaster, the Hawthorne sports a sawed-off barrel and a much lower profile than its ancestor. While sacrificing accuracy, its lightweight frame opens up the Hawthorne to a much higher degree of flexibility in battle and can be carried alongside a heavier primary firearm.
- Catena rt.IV Auto-Rifle
- Class: Rifle
- Faction: Colonial
- An auto-firing rifle that played a pivotal role in maintaining Mesean interests on the Katoman continent. While not quite as rapid-firing as its assault rifle brethren, many soldiers speak fondly of the Catena as a sturdy, easy-to-use, and reliable firearm. It doesn’t boast high points in any particular area but performs admirably as a general-purpose rifle.
- T13 “Deioneus” Rocket Battery
- Class: Tankette
- Faction: Colonial
- (Initially intended to provide a mobile platform for cumbersome field weapons, the T13 “Deioneus” Rocket Battery is a lightweight tankette fitted with a nine-barrelled rocket artillery. This unique battery is configured for incendiary rockets to be launched at range while maintaining high manoeuvrability between deployments.
- King Jester - Mk. I-1
- Class: Scout Tank
- Faction: Warden
- Originally designed as a mock-up for more sophisticated rocket platforms, the Jester gets its designation from the response to reckless early prototypes that were bolted onto stripped down King Spires. This unusual vehicle can fire specialized rockets over long distances. Its light frame makes it easy to reposition, but vulnerable to sabotage.
West Coast Redesign
- Fisherman's Row and Oarbreaker have temporarily been disabled.
- Westgate and Farranac Coast have been moved north-west into Fisherman's Row and Oarbreaker's old locations.
- Two new maps have been added to fill in Westgate and Farranac Coast's old locations.
- King's Cage
- A split river region that once housed a prison for Caoiva’s greatest hero. His shackled march from the Heartlands of Caoiva is the stuff of legends. It was his tenacity in the face of ridicule and imminent death that eventually won over his captors, and that tenacity extends down to the very soil of the region. From the cascading cliffs of The Manacle to ever-blooming Bloodfields, King’s Cage will forever represent a turning point in Caoiva’s history and independence.
- Sableport
- Once a checkpoint along the Bulwark in the west, Sableport was later taken over as a base of operations by Jon Barrony. During a period of peace following one of Barrony’s several victories, his constituents settled inside the walls of the base, transforming it into a bustling town. Much of the strategic importance of Sableport lies in its dense woods south of the Bulwark, and the port town of Light’s End.
- King's Cage
- For more details on the changes please read our latest Devblog
New Features
- Dedicated Ammo Slot
- Vehicles with weapons, Emplacements and Tripod Weapons now have a Dedicated Ammo Slot which limits the amount of ammo they can store.
- Please see the Balance Changes section for the values on all impacted vehicles and weapons.
- For more details on Dedicated Ammo Slots read our latest Devblog]
- Vehicles with weapons, Emplacements and Tripod Weapons now have a Dedicated Ammo Slot which limits the amount of ammo they can store.
- Added Vivox’s Large Voice Channel system which allows for cross-Faction voice chat again.
- A pop-up will now appear during the Resistance Phase on login providing information on the next War start.
- Toggle Aim now supported in the options menu.
- The map can now be opened when assembling or packaging.
Balance Changes
- Dedicated Ammo Slots:
- Dev Note: The following notes will use this format: [Vehicle name] [Previous inventory count] > [Ammo x Capacity], [Regular inventory slot amount if applicable].
- For example in the first note for the T3 “Xiphos”, O’brien V.110, and O’brien V. 121, they have gone from having 1 inventory slot to having a 7.92mm ammo slot with a capacity of 30 magazines.
- Dev Note: The following notes will use this format: [Vehicle name] [Previous inventory count] > [Ammo x Capacity], [Regular inventory slot amount if applicable].
- Armoured Cars
- T3 "Xiphos", O'Brien V.110, and O'Brien V.121 Highlander 1 inventory slot > 7.92mmx30 ammo slot.
- T5 “Percutio” 1 inventory slot > 20mmx20 ammo slot.
- T8 "Gemini" 12 inventory slots > RPGx12 ammo slot.
- O'Brien V.113 Gravekeeper 4 inventory slots > ARC/RPGx4 ammo slot.
- O'Brien V.101 Freeman 1 inventory slot > 40mmx25 ammo slot.
- O'Brien V.190 Knave 25 inventory slots > Tremola Grenade GPb-1x20 ammo slot, PT-815 Smoke Grenadex10 ammo slot, Green Ashx10 ammo slot, A3 Harpa Fragmentation Grenadex20 ammo slot.
- O'Brien V.130 Wild Jack 5 inventory slots > Flame Ammox5 ammo slot
- Armoured Fighting Tractor 2 inventory slots > 7.92mmx30 ammo slot, 4 inventory slots.
- Tankettes and Scout Tanks
- T12 "Actaeon" Tankette 4 inventory slots > 12.7mmx25 ammo slot, 3 inventory slots.
- T14 “Vesta” Tankette 5 inventory slots > Flame Ammox5 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- T20 “Ixion” Tankette 1 inventory slot > 30mmx35 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- King Spire MK-I 2 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- King Gallant MK-II 1 inventory slot > 30mmx40 ammo slot.
- Field Weapons
- G40 “Sagittarii” and Swallowtail 988/145-2 1 inventory slot > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot.
- AA-2 Battering Ram, Collins Cannon 68mm, and Balfour Rampart 68mm 1 inventory slot > 68mmx35 ammo slot.
- 40-45 “Smelter” Heavy Field Gun and Balfour Wolfhound 40mm 1 inventory slot > 40mmx40 ammo slot.
- 120-68 "Koronides" Field Gun 1 inventory slot > 120mmx1 ammo slot.
- Balfour Stockade 75mm 1 inventory slot > 75mmx1 ammo slot.
- 945g “Stygian Bolt” 1 inventory slot > 94.5mmx1 ammo slot.
- Balfour Falconer 250mm 6 inventory slots > 250mmx6 ammo slot.
- Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest 1 inventory slot > 4C-Fire Rocketx1 ammo slot.
- Misc Vehicles
- UV-24 "Icarus" 8 inventory slots > RPGx8 ammo slot, 2 inventory slots.
- R-9 "Speartip" Escort 14 inventory slots > 7.92mmx100 ammo slot, 14 inventory slots.
- R-17 “Retiarius” Skirmisher 1 inventory slot > 3C-High Explosive Rocketx1 inventory slot.
- 00MS "Stinger" 1 inventory slot > 7.92mmx100 ammo slot.
- R-12b - “Salva” Flame Truck and Dunne Dousing Engine 3r 15 inventory slots, Waterx30 ammo slot.
- Drummond Spitfire 100d 3 inventory slots > 7.92mmx100 ammo slot, 2 inventory slots.
- Boats
- Type C - "Charon" and 74b-1 Ronan Gunship 20 inventory slots > 12.7mmx40 ammo slot, 120mmx20 ammo slot.
- 74c-2 Ronan Meteora Gunship 30 inventory slots > 120mmx30 ammo slot.
- AB-11 "Doru" 6 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30, 5 inventory slots.
- Light Tanks
- H5 "Hatchet", Devitt Mk. III, and Devitt Ironhide Mk. IV 1 inventory slot > 40mmx35 ammo slot.
- H-8 "Kranesca" 1 inventory slot > 40mmx30 ammo slot.
- H-10 "Pelekys" 1 inventory slot > 68mmx40 ammo slot.
- H-19 "Vulcan" 10 inventory slots > Flame Ammox10 ammo slot.
- Devitt-Caine Mk. IV MMR 14 inventory slots > Mortar Shellx15 ammo slot, Mortar Shrapnel Shellx10 ammo slot, Mortar Flare Shellx10 ammo slot.
- Storm Tank 4 inventory slots > 40mmx40, 2 inventory slots.
- Medium Tanks
- 85K-b "Falchion" and 85K-a "Spatha" 3 inventory slots > 40mmx45 ammo slot, 2 inventory slots.
- 86-Ka "Bardiche" 3 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot, 68mmx40 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- 86K-c "Ranseur" 2 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot, RPGx40 ammo slot.
- 85V-G "Talos" 5 inventory slots > 75mmx5 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- HC-7 "Ballista" 10 inventory slots > 250mmx10 ammo slot.
- HC-2 "Scorpion" 8 inventory slots > 12.7mmx60 ammo slot, 7 inventory slots.
- Gallagher Outlaw Mk. II 2 inventory slots > 7.92mmx40 ammo slot, 40mmx40 ammo slot.
- Gallagher Highwayman Mk. III 2 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot, 20mmx40 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- Gallagher Thornfall MK. VI 2 inventory slots > 7.92mmx40 ammo slot, ARC/RPGx24 ammo slot.
- Silverhand - Mk. IV 3 inventory slots > 40mmx35, 68mmx35 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- Silverhand Chieftain - Mk. VI 6 inventory slots > 250mmx5 ammo slot, 12.7mmx30 ammo slot.
- Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X 6 inventory slots > 94.5mmx6 ammo slot.
- Noble Widow MK. XIV 1 inventory slot > 68mmx50 ammo slot.
- Noble Firebrand Mk. XVII 10 inventory slots > Flame Ammox10 ammo slot.
- PL-1 "Phalanx" 6 inventory slots > 40mmx100 ammo slot, 5 inventory slots.
- Battle Tanks and Super Tanks
- Lance-36 16 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot, 75mmx15 ammo slot.
- Lance-25 "Hasta" 8 inventory slots > 94.5mmx8 ammo slot.
- O-75B "Ares" 18 inventory slots > 75mmx20 ammo slot.
- Flood Mk. I 16 inventory slots > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot, 75mmx15 ammo slot.
- Flood Juggernaught Mk. VII 20 inventory slots > Flame Ammox10 ammo slot, 75mmx15 ammo slot.
- Cullen Predator MK. III 22 inventory slots > 94.5mmx18 ammo slot, Tremola Grenade GPb-1x60 ammo slot, PT-815 Smoke Grenadex40 ammo slot, Green Ashx20 ammo slot, A3 Harpa Fragmentation Grenadex80 ammo slot.
- Tripod Weapons
- Lamentum mm.IV 1 inventory slot > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot.
- "Typhon" ra.VII 1 inventory slot > 20mmx15 ammo slot.
- Fissura gd.I 1 inventory slot > Tremola Grenade GPb-1x12 ammo slot, PT-815 Smoke Grenadex4 ammo slot, Green Ashx4ammo slot.
- Daucus isg.III 1 inventory slot > 30mmx14 ammo slot.
- Malone Ratcatcher MK.1 1 inventory slot > 12.7mmx30 ammo slot.
- Mounted Bonesaw MK.3 1 inventory slot > ARC/RPGx8 ammo slot.
- Cutler Foebreaker 1 inventory slot > RPGx10 ammo slot.
- Halftracks and Train Cars
- Dev Note: Some Halftracks and Train Cars are unique as they use Tripod Weapons as their weapons. These Halftracks and Train Cars are given Designated Ammo Slots that will use the Tripod Weapon’s ammo capacity as listed above.
- HH-a "Javelin" 7 inventory slots > 3 Designated Ammo Slots, 1 inventory slot.
- HH-b "Hoplite" 8 inventory slots > 3 Designated Ammo Slots, 2 inventory slots.
- HH-d "Peltast" 20 inventory slots > Mortar Shellx20 ammo slot, Mortar Shrapnel Shellx20 ammo slot, Mortar Flare Shellx10 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- Niska Mk. I Gun Motor Carriage 8 inventory slots > 3 Designated Ammo Slots, 1 inventory slot.
- Niska Mk. II Blinder 1 inventory slot > 68mmx25 ammo slot.
- Niska-Rycker MK. IX Skycaller 1 inventory slot > 4C-Fire Rocketx1 ammo slot.
- Aegis Steelbreaker K5a 3 inventory slots > 12.7mmx60 ammo slot, 40mmx40 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- O'Brien Warsmith v.215 2 inventory slots > 40mmx40 ammo slot, 1 inventory slot.
- BMS Holdout 20 inventory slots > 6 Designated Ammo Slots, 14 inventory slots.
- Tempest Cannon RA-2 1 inventory slot > 300mmx1 ammo slot.
- Emplacements
- DAE 1b-2 “Serra” 1 inventory slot > 12.7mmx40 ammo slot.
- 50-500 "Thunderbolt" Cannon 1 inventory slot > 150mmx1 ammo slot.
- DAE 1O-3 "Polybolos" 1 inventory slot > ARC/RPGx40 ammo slot.
- DAE 2A-1 "Ruptura" 1 inventory slot > 75mmx1 ammo slot.
- DAE 3b-2 “Hades' Net” 1 inventory slot > 3C-High Explosive Rocketx1 ammo slot.
- Leary Snare Trap 127 1 inventory slot > 12.7mmx40 ammo slot.
- Huber Lariat 120mm 1 inventory slot > 120mmx1 ammo slot.
- Huber Exalt 150mm 1 inventory slot > 150mmx1 ammo slot.
- Huber Starbreaker 94.5mm 1 inventory slot > 94.5x1 ammo slot.
- Leary Shellbore 68mm 1 inventory slot > 68mmx40 ammo slot.
- Storm Cannon 1 inventory slot > 300mmx1 ammo slot.
- Emplacement House 5 inventory slots > Mortar Shellx50 ammo slot, Mortar Shrapnel Shellx50 ammo slot, Mortar Flare Shellx50 ammo slot.
- Rockets
- 3C-High Explosive Rockets and 4C-Fire Rockets can now be produced by both Factions at the Rocket Factory modification for the Ammunition Factory.
- 3C-High Explosive Rocket damage increased by 16%.
- Travel time has been added for Rockets.
- For each 100m a Rocket travels, time to land is increased by 3 seconds.
- Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest
- Max range increased from 225m to 300m.
- Min range increased from 200m to 225m.
- Accuracy at max range decreased by ~7%.
- Niska-Rycker MK. IX Skycaller
- Max range increased from 225m to 275m.
- Accuracy at max range decreased by ~7%.
- DAE 3B-2 “Hades’ Net”
- Max range increased from 275m to 425m.
- Min range increased from 175m to 200m.
- Accuracy at max range decreased by ~15%.
- R-17 “Retiarius” Skirmisher
- Max range increased from 275m to 350m.
- Min range increased from 200m to 225m.
- Accuracy at max range decreased by ~15%.
- Devitt Ironhide Mk. IV disable threshold reduced from 30% to 20%.
- Lance-25 “Hasta” minimum penetration chance reduced from 22% to 20%
- Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X
- Cost increased from 35 to 40 Steel Construction Materials.
- Added a Low-Velocity modifier of 31%.
- The Gunner vision has been extended by 4m to be inline with other open-top combat vehicles.
- Colonial rifles can no longer equip The Ospreay as an attachment.
- Catara mo.II
- Added a Low-Velocity modifier of 34%.
- Stability cost per shot has been increased by 12.5%.
- 94.5mm Subsystem disable bonus decreased by 50%.
- Armoured Fighting Tractor
- Fire rate reduced by 43%.
- Stability gain rate reduced by 50%.
- Magazine size increased from 50 to 75.
- Reload time increased from 4 to 6.5 seconds.
- Repurposed Truck
- Inventory size increased from 17 to 18.
- Storm Tank
- Armour health increased by ~41%.
- Minimum penetration decreased by 20%.
- Staff Car
- Inventory size increased from 9 to 10.
- Fuel capacity increased from 150 to 175.
- PL-1 “Phalanx”
- Armour health increased by ~55%.
Gameplay Changes
- BMS - Holdout can now mount a Tripod weapon on either side of the car.
- Storm Cannons and Intelligence Centers leave a T3 Bunker husk when destroyed.
- BMS Mineseeker assembly speed bonus only applies if the vehicle is assembling from a Facility building.
- Added an assembly speed bonus for items and item crates. Players that have not assembled items recently will see a notable increase to their assembly speed.
- When assembling items, the duration will initially be faster.
- As items are assembled in quick succession, the duration will increase up to a maximum that is equal to their normal duration.
- The speed bonus will replenish over time.
- Dev Note: The goal of this feature is to reduce assembly times across as many different roles as possible while preserving the original functionality of protection against griefing. This feature is experimental. The speed bonus and replenishment times may be adjusted in the live environment depending on player usage and other factors.
- R-17 “Retiarius” Skirmisher can no longer interact with structures.
- If firing into an adjacent Region, Storm Cannons can now be heard firing by the target Region.
- BMS - Overseer Sky-Hauler can now deploy and undeploy in four directions to reduce deployment time.
- BMS Foreman Stackers now have a minimum placement distance of 10m between one another.
- Maintenance Tunnel inventory size has been decreased from 15 to 1.
- 120mm and 150mm now produces a splash when fired into water.
- 250mm now enforces a maximum firing angle.
- Gates can no longer be upgraded whilst open.
- Dropping a Large Item ends the placement of a Build Site Ghost.
Map Changes
- Callahan's Passage:
- Scáth Passing river has been widened.
- Deadlands:
- Mercy’s End river has been widened.
- Farranac Coast:
- The Region has been moved north-west to form a new coastline.
- Several areas have been reworked.
- Heartlands:
- Pre-Placed Tracks have been removed from the gaps in the Bulwark.
- Linn of Mercy:
- South-eastern border has been reworked.
- Marban Hollow:
- Checkpoint Bua river has been widened.
- Nevish Line:
- A canal from the Princefal Burn to The Aging Ocean has been added.
- The southern border has been reworked.
- Origin:
- Northern border has been majorly reworked.
- Stonecradle:
- South and south-western border have been reworked.
- Umbral Wildwood:
- Vagrant Bastion river has been widened.
- Weathered Expanse:
- Some old assets have been updated.
- Westgate:
- Region moved north-west to form a new coastline.
- Northern, eastern, and southern borders reworked.
- Morgen's Crossing:
- Lividus Storage Depot has been moved.
Other Changes
- Warden and Colonial small arms now have unique wood textures to better distinguish the weapons.
- Several SFX can now be heard by all local players and not just the player performing the action.
- Subicons for items are now displayed in the Engineering Center.
- Coal Refineries now have an animation for when they’re active.
- Fire truck gunner positions now have a unique reloading animation.
- Power Line description now mentions it can connect to Facility buildings.
- Stationary Harvester descriptions are now consistent.
- Fuel Container and Oil Tanker tooltips now mention they can be used as a fuel source.
- Reservation button tooltips have been updated to better explain what they impact.
- Set Defaults added to the general options menu.
- All small arms weapons have had their ejected shell casings updated.
- Colonial Tripod Weapons have had their visuals unified.
- Vehicle AFK kick timer is now refreshed by aiming and rotating, by repairing or reloading as an Engineer, by submitting items as a Train passenger, or by submitting Coal to a Train.
- Foundation Tracks now show “Must be built on Foundations” when attempting to build on regular ground instead of “Surface not suitable”.
- Many Tanks models now have underbellies on their models, eliminating holes that can be seen from certain obscure angles.
- Train Bridges now use the Pre-Placed Track visuals.
- Attempting to build a vehicle being constructed by an Assembly Station now returns “This is built automatically”.
- Niska-Rycker MK. IX Skycaller icon has been updated.
- Game version number added to the pause screen.
- The Credits screen has been updated.
- Structure Event Logs:
- Maintenance Tunnels, Emplacements, Emplacement Houses, and Super-Structures such as Storm Cannons and Intelligence Centers now have Structure Event Logs.
- Added a log for changing settings on a Maintenance Tunnel.
- Added a log for entering and exiting Emplacements and Super-Structures.
- Added a log for firing an Emplacement or Super-Structure.
- Stockpile Actions Log:
- Added a log of transfers to and from Stockpiles.
- Packaging a structure with a Stockpile Action Log no longer resets the log.
- Stockpile Action Log help tooltip has been updated.
- Material Pallets, Materials Factories and both Assembly Stations now have a Stockpile Action Log.
- Added a submission log when submitting Large Items with ‘V’.
- Log events of the same type now merge where appropriate to reduce spam, similar to other log categories.
- Using Shipping Containers for Factory and Refinery orders now produces a log.
- New entries to the log are now at the top of the log to be consistent with other log categories.
- Faction Selection screens have been updated with new thumbnails.
- Callouts are now localised to a user based on their selected language.
- Weapon tooltips updated to show a tip if a weapon can have an attachment.
- Shift-left clicking on a map filter icon toggles off other icons, allowing you to focus on one type of icon.
- The Maintenance Tunnel now has a Defence Intel icon.
- BMS - Packmule Flatbed, Universal Assembly Rig, and Fabricator headlights now turn on.
- Small Train cars passenger positions renamed from Gunner to Loader.
- UV-24 "Icarus" can now observe their remaining ammo on the GUI.
- Repairing your vehicle as an Engineer with fewer than 5 Basic Materials but more than 0 now communicates "No Materials" when attempted.
- Assembly of Shippable Crates now resets the reserve stockpile expiration timer.
- Crude Oil Field renamed to Oil Field.
- Updated failure message when attempting to cross into a Region that is offline.
- The vehicle seat name is now consistently displayed in the top left of the UI.
- Optimized Cranes so their animations are more consistently smooth.
Bug Fixes
- Users are stuck on the respawn screen if they time out when returning to the Home Region.
- Some large rock assets have collisions further than visually expected.
- Friendly Player Damage is gained in the activity log when wearing the Officialis' Attire or the Officer's Regalia.
- Drummond 100a, Drummond Spitfire 100d, and Drummond Loscann 55c rear wheel clips through the mud guard.
- Several pieces of foliage have their draw distance set too low.
- Several vehicles have minor issues with their tracks.
- The decal produced by small vehicles driving is too wide for their wheel or track width.
- Abisme AT-99 explosion crater appears too high.
- The rotation of endpoints on a wall impacts what direction the endpoint’s collision is projected, obstructing construction of other structures unexpectedly.
- Fire VFX persists after a fire is extinguished.
- Cullen Predator MK. III grenade launchers cannot be disabled.
- Vehicles will not use the user’s set steering mode when assembled from a Storage Depot or Seaport temporarily.
- Opening a Violation Log or Activity Log whilst in the respawn screen opens a translucent map screen.
- The Repurposed Truck found in Relic Vaults has no collision.
- Vehicle and Emplacement variants appear in the Mass Production tab of Storage Depot and Seaport.
- A number of SFX play every time their parent enters replication range.
- Metalworks Factory is missing VFX and SFX when active.
- Several Facility VFX are not produced when reentering the structure’s replication range.
- Players can not shoot from the Catwalk Platform in some cases.
- Lance -25 “Hasta” has one wheel that rotates incorrectly.
- Warden Engineering Centers use Colonial Engineering Center visuals when damaged.
- Attempting to upgrade Reserved Pipes does not give you a failure message.
- Catwalks do not have damaged states.
- Dunne Leatherback has camouflage when not upgraded.
- R-12 - “Salus” Ambulance front wheels do not turn.
- Some vehicles produce a disabled SFX when they’re not disabled in rare circumstances.
- Several Facility buildings have missing or flickering textures.
- Some vehicles that are under construction are not destroyed when its Assembly Station is destroyed.
- Silverhand Chieftain - Mk. VI commander hatch does not animate opening and closing.
- The ramp of Bunker Bases can have some areas where players get stuck.
- Driver seats are inconsistent across many vehicles.
- Shippables receive decals inappropriately.
- H-10 “Pelekys” collision extends too far out of the front of the vehicle.
- Scout Tanks do not produce track ground decals.
- Construction Vehicles are missing a failure message when attempting to remove Bunker and Trench modifications.
- The Liquid Container description refers to itself as a Fuel Container.
- Both Assembly Stations refer to the Garage as a Vehicle Factory.
- Tripods and Havoc Charges have a button to “Submit Large Item”.
- Maintenance Tunnels cannot be constructed on ice.
- The Context Menu does not close when other UI elements are opened.
- The Context Menu does not close when travelling between Regions.
- T5-Percutio, 20 Nevile Anti-Tank Rifle, and “Typhon” ra.VII do not produce muzzle smoke.
- Water Pump Build Sites can be placed adjacent to one another in some cases.
- Several BMS vehicle descriptions misspell “Basett”
- Gate shadows flicker under some conditions.
- Barbed Wire Build Sites cannot be damaged.
- A snowy rock has its drawn distance set too low.
- G40 “Sagittarii” and Swallowtail 988/145-2 are missing reload animations.
- Flood Juggernaut Mk. VII cannot climb some surfaces as expected.
- One of the Road Drawbridges adds to a player’s mud encumbrance.
- Trench Connector (Tier 3) husks and Gate (Tier 3) refunds Concrete Materials when destroyed.
- BMS - Overseer Sky-Hauler cannot interact with structures at maximum range.
- Train Cars can be placed at the end of a Track which makes the Train Car unusable.
- When rotated to extreme angles the Lance-36 MG turret exposes the tank’s interior.
- Aegis Steelbreaker K5A Commander hatch animation speed is too fast.
- Neutral Garrison Barn window incorrectly renders a factions flag when exiting the building.
- Dunne Dousing Engine 3R siren uses the Colonial SFX.
- BMS - Overseer Sky-Hauler vehicle name has a typo.
- Colonial Light Tank turret rotation interpolation is wrong when first observed.
- BMS - Packmule Flatbed has a duplicate exhaust effect.
- Freighters and Barges are observed in an incorrect state on first observation.
- Storm Cannon reload animation is not present allowing for faster than intended reloading.
- When a player garrisons a building their name follows where they're aiming.
- Aiming with right mouse button while swimming does not pan the camera towards the mouse cursor.
- Industrial Safe House Garrison window when mounted by a defender causes the player model to clip outside the building.
- Exiting a vehicle seat while holding middle mouse button will cause the reticle position to be fixed on the subsequent entry.
- T12 "Actaeon" Tankette turret rotation only shows for the gunner.
- Respawn screen GUI persists unexpectedly if a War Achievement is achieved during the respawn flow.
- Coupled Small Train cars are labelled as "Empty" when interacting with stockpiles.
- Large Items can be picked up whilst when using an Emplacement.
- HC-7 "Ballista" tread marks are hard to see.
- King Spire MK-I, King Gallant MK-II, and King Jester - Mk. I-1 tread marks are hard to see.
- Train tracks that cross regions at a steep angle obstruct trains from crossing the border.
- One window in a Garrison Barn cannot be fired from.
- Iron clips through the sides of the BMS Rockhold.
- The camera hitches when entering a vehicle or switching seats within a vehicle.
- Foliage that has been removed by placing structures sometimes displays to players, incorrectly telling the player that they are concealed if they enter concealing foliage.
- Liquid Container damage state is incorrect when entering the Container's replication range.
- Attempting to submit a Large Item to a vehicle gives an inappropriate failure message.
- Self-damage is added to the Region Event Log.
- Players might get stuck when assembling items in some cases.
- The Refinery is missing collisions in some expected areas.
- Bunker Reservations are not maintained after upgrading.
Map Bug Fixes
- Allods Bight:
- Scurvyshire Emplacement House is obstructed by a wall.
- Ash Fields:
- Several roads are misaligned.
- Basion Sionnach:
- Cuttail Station Safe House has a shed inside of it.
- Callahan’s Passage:
- Rocks west of Solas Gorge can be climbed.
- Some structures are not able to be constructed on terrain south of The Latch as expected.
- Callum's Cape:
- Relic Transport Bus has no collisions.
- Colonial Home Region:
- Destroyed BMS - Packmule Flatbed has no collisions.
- Deadlands:
- Missing Bones mountain can be climbed.
- Drowned Vale:
- A road in The Baths is misaligned.
- Endless Shore:
- Some rocks are missing collisions.
- Travelling from Marban Hollow in a specific spot puts the player inside of a cliff.
- The ladder at the bridge north of Iron Junction can not be climbed.
- Users can get stuck in the rocks adjacent to the river at Battered Landing
- Farranac Coast:
- Players can get stuck along a rock north of the Winged Walk.
- Godcrofts:
- Players can get stuck between two trees north east of The Axehead
- Great March:
- There is a terrain hole south of Sitaria.
- There is a terrain hard edge in The Swan.
- Kalokai:
- Baccae Ridge Safe House has a tree on the inside.
- Linn of Mercy:
- Terrain flickers near the Deadlands border.
- Deadlands border has a hard edge.
- Loch Mór:
- Missing Bones mountain can be climbed.
- Morgen's Crossing:
- Lividus Storage Depot is missing from some layers.
- Quietus Pre-Placed Tracks have gaps that prevent Trains fully traversing the Tracks.
- Nevish Line:
- Road south of Grief Mother can be built on.
- The Moors:
- There is a gap in the rocks near Reaching River.
- Reaching Trail:
- Mouse Trap World Resource Mines cannot be interacted with by Cranes.
- Red River:
- Grass grows over the road west of Cannonsmoke.
- Shackled Chasm:
- Players can get stuck in the rocks adjacent to Silk Farms bridge.
- Speaking Woods:
- Pre-Placed Track south of Tine cannot be connected to Tracks.
- Stonecradle:
- A slope north east of Trammel Pool has nickelling.
- Umbral Wildwood:
- Several trees are floating near the river.
- Weathered Expanse:
- Some slopes have nickelling near Huntsfort.
- Crow's Nest Storage Depot is obstructed by a slope.
- Resource mine is too close to the road preventing Resource Container interaction.
- Westgate:
- A slope around the Lost Partition lake has nickelling.
Implemented on June 21st, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Client would crash when certain voice options are changed or players are muted
Implemented on July 2nd, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Local voice chat volume is overly quiet or incorrect for some users
- Dev Note: This issue was being caused by a bug introduced in the latest version of Vivox that shipped with Update 53. This hotfix includes a workaround to the issue.
Implemented on July 4th, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Local text chat and callouts are received from outside their expected range.
- Howl County map image is out of date resulting in a bridge location not matching the map in practice.
- In resistance phase: only new player profiles are notified of the next wars start time with a pop-up upon joining the home region.
- Client logs contain excess data that unnecessarily bloats their size
Implemented on August 18th, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Rapid Decay can be circumvented in some cases near region borders.
Implemented on September 17th, 2023
Gameplay Changes
- Maintenance Tunnel collision size reduced to allow vehicles to drive over them.
- 250mm maximum firing angle has been reduced.
Relic Balance Changes
Dev Note: Some changes to Relic Vehicle balance were made this update. Here are all the changes to Relic vehicles again:
- Repurposed Truck
- Inventory size increased from 17 to 18.
- Staff Car
- Inventory size increased from 9 to 10.
- Fuel capacity increased from 150 to 175.
- Armoured Fighting Tractor
- 2 inventory slots changed to 7.92mmx30 ammo slot, 4 inventory slots.
- Fire rate reduced by 43%.
- Stability gain rate reduced by 50%.
- Magazine size increased from 50 to 75.
- Reload time increased from 4 to 6.5 seconds.
- Storm Tank
- 4 inventory slots changed to 40mmx40, 2 inventory slots.
- Armour health increased by ~41%.
- Minimum penetration decreased by 20%.
- PL-1 "Phalanx"
- 6 inventory slots changed to 40mmx100 ammo slot, 5 inventory slots.
- Armour health increased by ~55%.
Mise à jour précédente | Mise à jour suivante |
Mise à jour 1.52 | Mise à jour 1.54 |
- Foxhole Website[1]